07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk
Longer, lighter days shouldn’t mean more work

Longer, lighter days shouldn’t mean more work

The clocks have sprung forward now and although the weather is less than spring-like in my area with the recent arctic blast, there is the promise of brighter and warmer days to come in the future. Just because the days may be getting longer doesn’t mean we should be...
How to use the Moon to Support Your Business Year

How to use the Moon to Support Your Business Year

We’ve known for a long time that the Moon is a powerful influence on our lives. Not only does it control the tides and affect our menstrual cycle but farmers have been planting crops and harvesting them at particular times of the moon cycle to get the best produce for...
5 Essential Business Tasks for the Summer Break

5 Essential Business Tasks for the Summer Break

School’s out, your customers have disappeared for their summer holidays and you’re left swiping through Instagram waiting for your inbox to ping and your phone to ring. It can feel frustrating to have this business slump in the middle of the summer but there are some...