by Zita Lewis | Aug 5, 2019 | Blog
Back in 2015, we decided as a family to look at adopting a rescue dog. We’d never had any experience of dog ownership. My mum was never keen on dogs despite my father having them growing up and my husband’s family had cats. Luckily, I knew someone who did a lot of...
by Zita Lewis | Feb 7, 2019 | Blog
Ok, I’m not going to lie, if anyone had told me running my own business was going to be this hard, I probably wouldn’t have done it. It’s hard to truly switch off, your business is like having another baby, you want to look after it, always be there for it. ...
by Zita Lewis | Aug 6, 2018 | Blog
I Loathe it? It pains me to say it but I’m afraid I’m in the loathe exercise camp. Well maybe loathe might be a bit strong. Perhaps! I really do wish I liked it. I envy people who can go out for a run, put the music on and just get in the zone. It must be...
by Zita Lewis | Jul 20, 2018 | Blog
Primary School Day’s are almost over! As the summer holidays approach once again. I’m feeling in a reflective mood. My eldest daughter Chloe is 11 years old, she’s about to enter the final week of her primary school days. In September she’s off to secondary...
by Zita Lewis | Feb 6, 2018 | Blog
If you’d asked me this time last year where I thought I would be, it would never have been running my own business. Although I’ve been doing self-employed business support work part-time since 2013 I’ve never really classed myself as a business owner. Sounds silly I...
by Zita Lewis | Jan 12, 2018 | Blog
Working for yourself might sound like a dream. No-one to answer to, work the hours that suit. Only work for those clients that give you a buzz or work in a sector you’re interested in. However, it can be very isolating and lonely at times. It can also be a tricky...