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Primary School Day’s are almost over!

As the summer holidays approach once again.  I’m feeling in a reflective mood.  My eldest daughter  Chloe is 11 years old, she’s about to enter the final week of her primary school days.  In September she’s off to secondary school.  Gone are the days where she needs me to hold her hand and walk her to school or cheer her on from the sidelines at Sports Day.  She didn’t even want me to go to her last play.  “I only have 3 lines mum, what’s the point of you coming?”  “Because it’s your last one, it’s a milestone”. I replied trying hard to fight back the tears.  The leaver’s assembly may well tip the emotions over the edge.

Part of me is sad that the times of her needing me are slowly becoming less and less. I only ever get mummy hugs now when she’s tired or poorly.  How I sometimes long for those days!  The other part of me is so so proud of the young lady she’s becoming.  Like all of us she’s had some things to deal with, she’s had to learn that friendships aren’t always what they seem.  However, she always embraces what life throws at her and comes back stronger than ever.

So as the holidays arrive again, make sure you take time out to enjoy them even if it’s only an hour or two here and there.   Make every moment count, no matter how small.  Memories are what it’s all about.  Remember the little things, it doesn’t have to cost the earth.  Take a picnic to the park and watch them play.  Have a movie afternoon.  The Greatest Showman is our favourite at the moment although none of us have ever outgrown Frozen.  Time goes so fast, make it count.  In two years time daughter number two will be at the same stage.  Not sure how I’m going to feel about that one.  Not something I want to think about just yet.

Happy holidays everyone, there are memories to be made!