07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk

What is a VA?Helping You - Helping Your Business

A Virtual Administrator or VA as we like to call ourselves are an asset to your business.  Whether you’re just starting up and struggling to cope with day to day admin or are an established business owner getting overwhelmed, a VA can help.  We’re self-employed so you don’t have any tax or national insurance overheads.  No holiday or sick pay to contend with.  Hiring a VA means you can offload your admin without committing to a full-time administrator for your business.  You get the work done when and how you want it.  Win-Win.

How can they help?

 A VA can help with a whole multitude of tasks from building a basic website to data entry to research to blog writing.  You name it, there’s a VA who can do it.  Some specialise in what’s called tech VA which are things like CRM systems, building websites and maintaining systems.  Others like myself specialise in day to day admin tasks like writing blogs, compiling and sending newsletters and posting to social media.  Whatever you need help with, they’ll be a VA that can do it.  Finding the right fit for the tasks you want to outsource is crucial to your business.

Are VAs expensive?

As the saying goes, “You get what you pay for”.  You can’t expect to pay someone poorly and get high quality work.  A VA is an expert in their field, they generally have years of administrative experience and they know what they’re talking about.  You should be looking at paying anything from £25 an hour upwards.  It might sound a lot but VAs look after their own tax, national insurance and the majority will make sure there is cover for when they’re on holiday or off sick.

How are they paid?

 Most VAs are paid by the hour.  However, if you have a one-off project some VAs offer this.  Others offer a slightly lower rate for what’s called a monthly retainer.  You pay for a set number of hours each month.  If you don’t use them all one month, you may be allowed to carry them over.  If you go over you’d be charged on top.  Each VA works slightly differently so make sure you know in advance what’s expected.

Finding the right fit

It’s always scary trying something new.  After all you might never meet this person and yet you’re trusting them with part of you, your business, your baby in effect.  So, make sure you do your research.  Figure out what tasks you want to outsource, starting with the tasks you don’t like.  Once you have in your mind what you’d like a VA to do, research.  Ask fellow business owners for recommendations, pop a shout out on Facebook groups/pages.  Check the VAs testimonials.  Sometimes it’s a good idea to have an initial chat with a couple, just to get a feel for them.  After all you’re going to be working closely together so you must be able to gel.  Most VAs offer a free consultation so you’ve nothing to lose.  You may need to speak to several to get the perfect fit for your business.

So, go on treat yourself.  Hire a VA today and let them help you with your overwhelm.

For more information on how we can help contact us at zita@zitalewis.co.uk or call me on 07899958613.  Your perfect VA match awaits!