07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk

Wonder Woman?  She-Ra?  SuperGirl?

Ok I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this out loud but I’ve always reckoned to be a bit of a Wonder Woman myself.  What say you ladies?

Come on don’t tell me you haven’t tried to do so many tasks all at once that you too could be mistaken for thinking you have ‘Super Powers’!  I Helping You - Helping Your Businessknow I have and failed miserably at a lot of them.

Us working mums are all guilty of thinking we have this super human strength.  It makes us think we can juggle everything from the dreaded school run, to after school clubs, to cooking and cleaning and let’s not forget our spouses, all this whilst making sure our businesses stay afloat and that no-one, including our beloved clients, feel neglected.  It’s an unenviable task and one we almost certainly fail at to some degree.  It’s made even more traumatic of course with the arrival of the dreaded 6 weeks school holidays.  Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my two gorgeous girls but 6 weeks can seem like an eternity.  You can’t just put everything, including your business on hold for that long.  You’d lose business.

Helping You - Helping Your BusinessSo how can you save time without neglecting your business and still enjoy your home life and kids?  It’s a tricky balancing act, believe me I know.  I’ve done it!

That’s where outsourcing can help.  I know it sounds a little scary.  Handing over even the tiniest bit of your business is a bit like handing over your baby to a stranger.  It’s a very scary thought.  It can make you feel like you’ve failed and you’re no longer ‘Wonder Woman’.  There’s no shame in that.  You haven’t failed, you’ve recognised that you need help in certain areas and you’ve managed your time effectively.  See you’re a Super Hero after all.

So what can you outsource?  That entirely depends on you and your strengths.  You can outsource anything from regular email/diary management, to your regular MailChimp newsletters to Social Media posting, even getting your own blog written can be outsourced.  Just decide what you enjoy doing with your time and then outsource whatever you don’t want to be doing.  All those jobs you put to the bottom of the pile thinking, I’ll do them tomorrow but never do.

Once you’ve decided all that, where do you go to get the help?  Well that’s where I come in.  Your very own ‘Wonder Woman’.   Get in touch today or take a look at my special August Launch offer.  I’d love to help you ease those ‘Super Hero Blues’.