07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk

So you’ve done the hard work.  You’ve built up your client base and you now have a successful and manageable business.  What happens next?  Although you’ve got enough business for now you still want to grow.  How can you do this and make sure your existing clients don’t suffer?

Plain and simple, it’s a balancing act.  Although you’ve landed your clients you still need to keep that
relationship going.  It’s a bit like a marriage. Helping You - Helping Your Business Just because you’ve got that ring on your finger doesn’t mean you don’t have to try and keep the magic alive!

Just by following a few simple hints and tips you can make sure you keep the spark in your business relationship.

  • Social Media – these days the fastest and most convenient way for your clients and new business to find out what you’re up to is via Social Media. Be it Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn or pretty much any of the platforms, it’s a great way to show a visible profile.  It doesn’t take much.  Your posts can be related to your business, your personal life (people do business with those they know, like and trust) or something relating to the industry you’re in.  Mix it up and do a bit of everything.  Scheduling tools like Hootsuite and Buffer can help.
  • Blog writing – I know you’ve probably been told a thousand times. So I’m telling you again, a regular blog, ideally once a week but a minimum of once a month can help keep your name out there.  Make sure it’s also on your website and copied to all your social media platforms.  It also helps keep you at the top of your game with SEO (search engine optimisation).
  • Newsletters – a regular monthly or even bi-monthly newsletter can help. MailChimp for example is a simple, effective way of keeping in touch with your clients.  Just make sure you have permission first!  A newsletter doesn’t have to be lengthy.  Stick to a quick introduction from you, then onto something industry/client related for example if you’re a life coach something that could help and then link back to your website or maybe link it in to the subject of your blog.  Any courses or events you want them to know about.  It doesn’t hurt to include personal information as long as it’s relevant.  It helps your reader get to know you.

If you follow one or all of these simple things, you’ll nurture that business relationship.  It may even help you attract new business.  It gives you a regular online presence and a path straight into your client’s inbox.  What more could you ask for?!  It’s a win, win.

If all of that seems a little overwhelming don’t worry.  You’re not alone!  A lot of small businesses just don’t have the time or have the knowledge, what with juggling kids, business and looking after a household.  It gets put to the bottom of the pile.  The good news is there is help out there.  VA’s like me offer this and many other useful services.  So get in touch today and see how I can help you keep your exisiting client fires burning!