07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk

Zita Lewis - Helping You Helping Your BusinessI’m easily pleased as a mum really.  As a busy business owner, wife, mother, housekeeper, taxi service etc. I find it almost impossible to get any ME time.  To find a space in my day/week or even month where I can just completely relax, unwind and think about, well, nothing!

Don’t get me wrong, I love working from home, I get the odd coffee break or time to pop a load of washing on and I get to see all the school plays.  But I very rarely get time to just chill, watch junk on TV, or even just have a relaxing bath without someone shouting “Mum have you seen my….”.  Us ladies always put everyone else’s needs before our own, even on Mother’s Day.

My day will start pretty early as usually either one of the kids is up at the crack of dawn or the dog is.  My husband, bless him, will make me breakfast in bed, with the help or rather hindrance of the girls, which is lovely but by this time I’m wide awake and could just as easily eat it at the dining table.  I get to open my lovely cards and then it’s on to the presents.  These usually consist of gifts that I’ve dropped hints about myself or, if it’s been left up to the children, one of those marketing ideas that are churned out by the thousands just in time for the big day.  You know the ones, they end up gathering dust in the back of a cupboard or better still being sold on the tombola at the school fete!

So, this year ladies, all I want for Mother’s Day is an hour or two of pure, unadulterated, un-interrupted ME time.  What will you be asking for this year?