07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk

Administrative and Business SupportWe all have our strengths and weaknesses, especially in business.  There are things we enjoy and things we always put to the bottom of the to-do list.  I’m the same, I hate doing anything to do with maths so my expenses always get left until the last minute.

Is it more cost-effective then to have those things constantly at the bottom of the pile, never reaching the top?  Or is it better to outsource those jobs you hate to someone like me, who loves them?  It’s a no-brainer really!

So, what can I help you with I hear you ask?  Well here are the top 5 things that float my boat!  In no particular order.


Newsletters are a great idea for keeping in touch with your customer base.  After all, once you have a customer you want to make sure you keep in touch.  Don’t forget about them.  I can help prepare and send your regular newsletters through a variety of platforms including Mailchimp, Mailerlite, Active Campaign and Kajabi.

Data Entry

 I know most people absolutely hate data entry with a passion.  Being a fast-touch typist definitely helps with this one.  So, if you have a pile of business cards you need putting into a spreadsheet or a list of names you need inputting then pass it over.  I love it.

Basic WordPress Website Creation

Is this on your list of must-do’s that you’ve just never quite got around to doing?  Or has the cost always put you off?  I can build you from a single page website to a 4 or 5-page site either with or without content supplied.  It will be fully functioning and will have all the necessary plug-ins you need and all the legal policies covered.  Giving you scope to grow your website as and when funds allow.  It’ll give you the first step on the website ladder.

Social Media Content Creation and Scheduling

Do you plan to be more visible on social media platforms but have no idea what to post?  I can help prepare and schedule your content on a daily/weekly/monthly calendar cycle.


 I love love love research.  Give me a topic or a line of enquiry and I’ll follow it.  I enjoy following a trail and seeing where it ends.  Whether it be researching a product, a service or even a competitor I’m up for the task.


 English is my bag and I have a real knack for spotting spelling and grammatical mistakes.  People often think oh it’s ok I’ve spell-checked it.  A spell checker only does that, check your spelling so if a word is spelt right even if it’s in the wrong place it won’t pick it up.  So, you need someone like me to check your documents.

These are just some of the tasks a Virtual Administrator/Business Support Manager can help with.

Click here to book a FREE 30-minute discovery call with me today and let’s see how I can help get your overwhelm under control and help support your business.