07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk

The answer, quite simply, is yes, yes, yes.Blog Writing

You really should be blogging.  Even if you can only manage once a month.  You should be blogging on a regular basis.

Why Blog?

There are many reasons why you should blog regularly for your business.  The main one of course is to drive more traffic to your social media platforms and more importantly, your website.  More traffic means more leads which in turn will lead to more sales.

It shows your audience that you’re human.  Blogging brings out your personality and gives people an insight into you and how you tick.  You don’t always have to blog about ‘business stuff’.  Mix it up, blog about you, about your journey.  Why you enjoy doing what you do!  How you got there.  It’ll help people to relate to you and help build the relationship with your clients and potential clients.  It also shows people that you ‘know your stuff’.

If you blog regularly it also shows people that you’re active in your business.  There’s nothing worse than finding someone’s Facebook Business page and seeing that the last post is 6 months old.  You then start to wonder if they’re still in business.  A blog means you regularly have something to share with your audience.

It opens dialogue.  Occasionally do a blog that asks for the reader’s opinion or the readers own story or journey.  It’s a great way to open a discussion, especially on social media.

What to Blog?

You can blog about pretty much anything.  From business related stuff, for example, I blog about why you might hire a Virtual Administrator.  The upside and the downside.  I also like to mix that up with things that are current so things like, Christmas what are your plans?  What’s Christmas like in your house?  Give a little background of what my Christmas is like.  It opens a discussion with your audience.  You can pretty much blog about anything you like.  It shows your personality, that you’re human.  If you’re struggling for a topic, ask your audience for ideas of what they’d like you to cover.

Blog Writing not your thing?  Get your Virtual Administrator to Help!

If blog writing doesn’t float your boat, don’t panic.  Get someone to ghost write it for you.  As a Virtual Administrator, I love creative writing so blog writing comes easily to me and is a service I offer to my clients.  A Virtual Administrator can help advise on subject matter, carry out the research and write your regular blog and post it.  All of which will free you up to spend more time doing what you love.

So, come on ladies, make it your mission this month to write a blog.  Or better still contact me today and let me see how I can help you make that first step on the regular blogging ladder!