07899958613 zita@zitalewis.co.uk

How Did I Get Here?Well this is a day I never thought would come.  Me writing my very first blog.  Well, for myself anyway.  I write regular blogs and newsletters for others.

So I thought for my first one I’d share my story.  A bit about me.  I left school at 16, you know in those days when you were allowed to.  I’d had enough of education and just wanted to get a job, earn some pennies and get my independence.  I’d had a little Saturday job in a toy shop and loved it, although Christmas was chaos!

I quickly managed to get a job as an Office Junior at the local District Council.  I loved it.  The people were lovely and they supported me through my RSA Typing Exams and again through my NVQ in Customer Care.  After 6 fantastic years I felt I needed to move on to pastures new.  In my time there I’d made my way up to Typist and Maintenance Administrator.

I went to somewhere completely different.  Library Software Support Administrator.  It was a baptism of fire.  I knew nothing about software or disc copying or anything.  In my 6 years there I worked my way up to Office Manager, in charge of 3 members of staff.  I loved it.  Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone.

I then had a brief step into TV, working for a small local production company and for a transport company as the Managing Director’s PA, before leaving to have my two children.

In 2009 life hit us with a curve ball.  My husband was made redundant and was out of work for 6 months.  It was hard.  Juggling a house, bills, 2 children and a husband.  It puts things into perspective.  I vowed one day to run a successful, thriving business.

In 2013 I got that chance.  I was approached by a colleague I used to work with and the idea was born.  Now I juggle associate work, with working part time and growing my business.  Although newly launched I have been in administration for over 20 years and I know my stuff.  In fact, I even built my own website.  So I am testament to the fact that persistence and determination does pay off.

Yes, there’s been a lot to learn, a lot to put in place.  Most of all there’s been the balancing act of running a household and holding down a job but all of this has just made me more determined to succeed.  I love the buzz that running your own business gives.  Can’t wait for the fantastic feeling of signing my very first client.  Could that be you?  I’m aiming to help mum’s who are trying to juggle getting their business up and running alongside family life.  It’s difficult to get the balance right.  That’s where I come in.

I can help take some of the administrative strain.  From writing a blog, to setting up your database, to diary management.  Together we can achieve the perfect balance of work/family and get you where you want to go.